Hello, I am Lincoln DeCoursey, a qualified systems and network administrator in the Rochester, New York area.
Like many systems folks, I have a personal Internet domain. When I first registered my domain name, I took a ton of pride and care in operating all of its core services. This gradually fell by the wayside, behind other priorities, even just distractions, until eventually, it was just somebody else’s DNS pointing to Gmail.
Guess what?
This blog is about me restoring pride in and technical ownership of my Internet domain.
Where am I at with it right now? Just getting started, but hey, just about anybody can slam something in quickly and haul butt. That’s not how to succeed in IT, and that’s not where I’m at in this stage of life. I want to set myself apart by doing it well, and by using the blog to document along the way. After all, it’s my name on it.
Thank you and please check back often.